Pyae Phyo Kyaw
1 min read
Count character occurrences in a given word, phrase or sentence
Count Character occurrence project is application that can count total characters of input word, sentence,and text file. It can also...
Gilbert Temgoua
3 min read
Coin Toss Game using Python
In this project, I will show you how to implement a simple coin toss game in python. The post is divided in three main part. First I will...
ben othmen rabeb
1 min read
Password Generator from Username using Python
In this post, you will learn how to create a random string passwords in Python. Using a random and string module, we can write our own...
Omar Mohamed
2 min read
Greatest Common Divisor Calculator in Python
In mathematics, the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two or more integers, which are not all zero, is the largest positive integer that...
Sakayo Toadoum Sari
2 min read
Count the number of zeroes, odds, and evens in a n-digits number
In our daily lives, we may need to count odd and even numbers. For instance, in the library, you are trying to know the numbers of books...
Lina Meddeb
2 min read
Acronym Generator in Python
In this tutorial, you'll learn to create a simple Acronym Generator using Python. What is an acronym? An acronym is a word formed from...
Muhammad Hassan Shafiq
2 min read
Count Character Occurrence in a Word, Phrase or Sentence in Python
In this blog we will see that how to count the number of occurrence of a given character in a given word, phrase or a sentence. So let's...
Tanushree Nepal
2 min read
Simple App using Python: Hangman Game
Hangman is a paper and pencil guessing game for two or more players. One player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the other(s)...
Tanushree Nepal
1 min read
Simple App using Python: Convert Temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius
Fahrenheit and Celsius are the scales most often used for reporting room, weather, and water temperatures. The Fahrenheit scale is used...
Gilbert Temgoua
2 min read
Real Time Currency Converter with Python
Build hands-on skills in the programming language of the future The development of the exchanges between individuals and societies led to...