Musonda Katongo
2 min read
Data Splitting in Machine Learning Process
In the field of Data Science and Data Analysis, it is essential to split data into training and testing sets to ensure the accuracy and reli
Musonda Katongo
3 min read
Error Handling in Python Functions
A post on the methods for handling errors in python functions
Musonda Katongo
3 min read
Python Lambda Function
An explanation of python lambda functions and how they are generally applied
Musonda Katongo
3 min read
Investigating the popularity of The Office TV show
An analysis of the popularity of The Office TV show based on viewership and ratings
1 min read
How to validate an email address using Python
Email is a method of exchanging messages between people using. It is a widely-used communication medium that can also be used for signing...
mohamed bahgat
2 min read
Simple Apps written in Python
1) This Program is designed to count character occurrences in a given word, phrase or sentence. If the word is empty, then "The chosen...
Musonda Katongo
3 min read
Prime Numbers Identifier
The program finds a list of prime numbers within a given range
Subarna Lamsal
3 min read
Beginner's Guide to Simple Linear Regression in Python
Linear Regression is the linear approximation of the relationship between two or more variables. First, let's understand what is a...
3 min read
The above chart says a lot but not all. More often than not, I receive messages from Data Science (DS) enthusiasts requesting guidance on...
Aina Adekunle
6 min read
Python: The Language for Data Science
This will be a series of posts about python - a coding language that is becoming the most popular and how it is used for data science!