Hamza kchok
12 min read
TMDB-5000 movies dataset, let's go through an EDA together
So, I bet everyone loves movies and we love the hype while waiting for a hot release (I'm projecting my current state!). Throughout this...

asma kirli
5 min read
The Guide To Deal With Text Data: From Basic to Advanced!
“Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.” – Ronald Coase One of the biggest breakthroughs when it comes to preprocessing your...

ben othmen rabeb
6 min read
Statistical Concepts for Data Science
Statistics is "a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of masses of numerical...

Teresa Rady
4 min read
Statistical concepts coded in Python
In order to become a great data scientist, there is a base of statistical knowledge that one has to gain. Here are some of the most used...

Vanessa Arhin
3 min read
Data Manipulation in Pandas.
Pandas is an open-source python library used for data analysis and manipulation. With pandas, one can get lots of information from a...

Yosef Zeru Seyoum
2 min read
Net Salary Calculations using Python
Python has a capacity to conduct various ranges of calculations. Python is an incredibly powerful calculator. By leveraging the math...
1 min read
BMI calculator using python
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. It is a measure for the...