10 min read
Impacts of Food Production On The Environment
Food is an essential substance that human beings rely on for survival. As the world population rises, the demand for food is at an...

Hamza kchok
8 min read
Afraid your credit card might be used? No worries, banks use ML and DL ;)
As the title said, this is an age where it would make a lot of sense to worry about our credit cards. Anything and everything can be a...
Musonda Katongo
3 min read
Python Lambda Function
An explanation of python lambda functions and how they are generally applied

Mariam Ahmed
6 min read
Statistical Concepts for Data Science
In this blog post, we will cover some essential statistics terms which are very helpful in exploratory data analysis, and feature...

Hamza kchok
5 min read
We learned a lot about data, let's make sure our models are working well.
In the last blog posts, we worked a lot on data preprocessing and got to recognize how much of an important task it was. Remembering the...

asma kirli
5 min read
The Guide To Deal With Text Data: From Basic to Advanced!
“Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.” – Ronald Coase One of the biggest breakthroughs when it comes to preprocessing your...

asma kirli
7 min read
My roadmap into preprocessing data: Feature extraction from raw text using TF-IDF
“ Without big data, you are blind and deaf and in the middle of a freeway” - Geoffrey Moore. When we say big data, we mean a huge amount...
Fatma Ali
5 min read
Modules in Python
Modules Python Introduction In the world of programming, we care a lot about making code reusable. In most cases, we write code so that...
5 min read
Python Concepts for Data Science: List Comprehension
Python List Comprehension Python is popular for its simple, elegant and easy-to-write style of writing and it is as simple as writing a...
rubayat tithi
2 min read
Random Password Generator Using Python!
In this blog post, we will learn how to make a simple random password generator. We all know what a password is! We use passwords every...