Hamza kchok
5 min read
Your entry-level tutorial for CNNs: AIs are good at vision tasks too
Hello there readers, it's been a while. Today we're jumping into an exploratory post covering the basics of vision AI models: CNNs. The...

Ntandoyenkosi Matshisela
3 min read
Survey of Cluster Algorithms
Cluster analysis has become a common tool in both research and business cycles alike. Cluster analysis is a statistical tool making no...

Sara Ahmed
3 min read
TOP 10 statistical concepts in data science
1)Measures of Central Tendency measures of Central Tendency is a summary measure that describes a whole set of data with a single value...

Teresa Rady
4 min read
Statistical concepts coded in Python
In order to become a great data scientist, there is a base of statistical knowledge that one has to gain. Here are some of the most used...
Sakayo Toadoum Sari
14 min read
--- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of...

Jihed 503
3 min read
Exciting Data Analysis Project
In this article, we will go deeper into data analysis and get experimented with real-world data science projects. I am glad to guide you...

Hamza kchok
7 min read
You just became a data analyst, your first challenge awaits you: Let's learn about employment!
Hey there fresh analyst, the department has a new job for you. It's time to show the skills you learned and the experiences you gathered....

Diallo Falilou
2 min read
Writing Simple Apps with Python : Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.
Definition The body mass index (BMI) is a quantity that makes it possible to know if our weight is adapted to our height (ideal or normal...

Sakayo Toadoum Sari
6 min read
Control flow (If, for loop, while loop) and List
If statement An "if" statement tests a condition and then reacts to that condition. If the condition is true, the next action is...
Kala Maya Sanyasi
2 min read
Dice Game Simulation with Python
This is a simple python code for rolling a six sided dice. The program simulates two players and declares the winner to the player who...