Tahani Reesh
4 min read
10 Statistical Concepts in Data Science
Introduction Data science is a huge field of study. The basic building blocks of data science are statistics. Without a good ...

Kala Maya Sanyasi
5 min read
Statistical Concepts for Data Science
Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis which uses models and representations for a particular sets of data which makes our...
Sakayo Toadoum Sari
14 min read
--- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of...

Hamza kchok
7 min read
You just became a data analyst, your first challenge awaits you: Let's learn about employment!
Hey there fresh analyst, the department has a new job for you. It's time to show the skills you learned and the experiences you gathered....

Vanessa Arhin
3 min read
Data Manipulation in Pandas.
Pandas is an open-source python library used for data analysis and manipulation. With pandas, one can get lots of information from a...

Aruna Nuwantha
1 min read
BMI App using python
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a commonly used indicator that gives information about how healthy your body is. It is given as a ratio between...