Musonda Katongo
3 min read
Pandas Techniques for Data Manipulation in Python
Pandas is a popular python library that is suitable for performing the various data preparation. In this post we explore a number of Pandas

Hamza kchok
8 min read
Afraid your credit card might be used? No worries, banks use ML and DL ;)
As the title said, this is an age where it would make a lot of sense to worry about our credit cards. Anything and everything can be a...

Hamza kchok
12 min read
TMDB-5000 movies dataset, let's go through an EDA together
So, I bet everyone loves movies and we love the hype while waiting for a hot release (I'm projecting my current state!). Throughout this...

Hamza kchok
5 min read
Let’s look at neurodegenerative diseases.
According to Hopkinsmedicine.org: Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that occurs when nerve cells in the...

Hamza kchok
6 min read
Let's deal with some text data
Back in recent posts, I mentioned one indisputable fact about the current machine learning models. They deal with numbers. In the case of...

Hamza kchok
7 min read
Need more ML Models? We got you!
In the recent blogs, we discovered a few things about machine learning algorithms; Regression and Classifications models, be it Linear,...
Gehad Hisham
1 min read
How can I count the number of character occurrence in a sentence
In this blog, I would explain how I create a function to count the number of occurrences of a given character in a given word, phrase, or...

tasnim assali
3 min read
analyse the economies of United States, Mexico, and Canada ( NAICS Project)
In this post, I explain my analyses of NAICS datasets. The North American Industry Classification System known as NAICS, an industry...

Omnia Sayed
4 min read
Guest Star in the Office
Introduction In this blog we try to explain how a simple data investigation task can be done on a dataset,we will try to get some hands...

1 min read
Binary Search Algorithm Using Python
Binary Search is an algorithm to search a specified value in given sorted array. Above figure illustrates the process for binary search....