Hamza kchok
12 min read
TMDB-5000 movies dataset, let's go through an EDA together
So, I bet everyone loves movies and we love the hype while waiting for a hot release (I'm projecting my current state!). Throughout this...

Hamza kchok
5 min read
Let’s look at neurodegenerative diseases.
According to Hopkinsmedicine.org: Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that occurs when nerve cells in the...

Hamza kchok
7 min read
Need more ML Models? We got you!
In the recent blogs, we discovered a few things about machine learning algorithms; Regression and Classifications models, be it Linear,...

Hamza kchok
7 min read
Yet another bite-sized information machine learning blog
In the last blog, we discovered the important concept of machines managing to learn patterns and relationships between features in the...

Sara Ahmed
2 min read
Cleaning data in python
Having clean data will ultimately increase overall productivity and allow for the highest quality information in your decision-making....