bismark boateng
4 min read
#MachineLearning Neurodegenerative disease When nerve cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system begin to lose their functionality...

bismark boateng
4 min read
Natural Language Processing And Model Validation
Most part of a data scientist role will not only lie on beautifully structured data for you to just start training and validating your...

bismark boateng
3 min read
Linear Classifiers And Tree-Based Models
introduction This article introduces the basic concepts underlying the principles of Linear classifiers and Tree-based models and how...

Rubash Mali
4 min read
Basic Statistics Techniques Essential for Data Science
In this blog post we will discuss some common concepts and techniques frequently used by a data scientist which are as follows:...

Gilbert Temgoua
6 min read
Must-know Pandas Techniques for Data Manipulation in Python
G. Temgoua Github Introduction Without data, there won't be neither data science nor data scientists, that is why efficient data...

Kouamé Maïzan Alain Serge Kossonou
5 min read
The office: Investigating some factors that could have influenced its popularity
The office is an American humoristic television series broadcast between March 24, 2005 and May 16, 2013. In this project, we will take a...

2 min read
Exception and Error Handling in Python
Every programmer has faced many errors. Facing bugs and dealing with them is very important to learn more and become a better programmer....

Sujan Karki
2 min read
Indexing and Slicing in Python
Indexing and slicing is the one of the most commonly used concept in Python. It helps retrieving elements from strings, lists and other...

Rubash Mali
3 min read
A Quick Introduction to Lists in Python
Lists in python are mutable ordered sequence datatype. They are heterogenous i.e. each item in the list doesn't need to be of the same...

Rubash Mali
4 min read
A Quick Introduction to Numpy
Numpy stands for Numbers in python and is a powerful library for processing multi-dimensional arrays. Numpy is popular for its...