Hamza kchok
8 min read
Afraid your credit card might be used? No worries, banks use ML and DL ;)
As the title said, this is an age where it would make a lot of sense to worry about our credit cards. Anything and everything can be a...

Hamza kchok
12 min read
TMDB-5000 movies dataset, let's go through an EDA together
So, I bet everyone loves movies and we love the hype while waiting for a hot release (I'm projecting my current state!). Throughout this...

Hamza kchok
5 min read
Your entry-level tutorial for CNNs: AIs are good at vision tasks too
Hello there readers, it's been a while. Today we're jumping into an exploratory post covering the basics of vision AI models: CNNs. The...
Omar Mohamed
7 min read
Web Crawling using BeautifulSoup
Hello everyone, hope that you're having a great time. Today we are going to talk about a very interesting yet crucial topic, that is Web...
ukaegbu daniel
3 min read
Functions are vital concepts for all programming languages and sure python good list. Functions make your work as a programmer and data...
ukaegbu daniel
3 min read
Pandas have unarguably got to be the best thing that has happened to data analysis in python as it makes data manipulation so easy. With...
ukaegbu daniel
1 min read
Have you ever wondered how a website can tell the difference between what is an email and what is not? You probably type your email...

Hamza kchok
9 min read
You have really good data but it's too complex for machine learning models? Deep learning is for you
Machine learning can get you a long way. But, in many cases, the data becomes too complex to capture with machine learning models. Let's...

Hamza kchok
6 min read
Welcome to your bite-sized Machine learning concepts station.
So, we had a lot of fun times together building up our arsenal as data scientists. Specially, we focused a lot on statistics and...

5 min read
Scraping and Munging tweets for Sentiment Analysis in Python.
Introduction The phrase "data is the new oil" is often bandied about by those who have interacted with data meaningfully. The weight of...