Ibrahim M. A. Nasser
6 min read
EDA for The Office TV Show
The Office is an American television series that depicts the everyday work lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania,...

Pyae Phyo Kyaw
4 min read
Investigating Appearance of Guest Stars in 'The Office' Series
The Office! What started as a British mockumentary series about office culture in 2001 has since spawned ten other variants across the...

Ajibola Salami
3 min read
Build Line and Bar Chart Animation in Plotly
This article discusses how to make line and bar charts using Plotly with example charts

Abdi Tolesa
3 min read
Packaging and Publishing a Python Program
This article aims to explain how a Python program can be packaged and published so that other users and developers could access and use...

38 min read
A Deep Dive into Python Decorators
A Complete Guide for Understanding Python Decorators.

4 min read
Investigating and Observing The Office TV Show Over its Episodes
The Office! What started as a British mockumentary series about office culture in 2001 has since spawned ten other variants across the...

Omar Mohamed
4 min read
Get the Data Insights from The Office Series
Introduction In this blog we try to explain how a simple data investigation task can be done on a dataset,we will try to get some hands...

Mahmoud Morsy
3 min read
How to Convert Seconds to Years with Python?
To convert a second measurement to a year measurement, divide the time by the conversion ratio. Since one year is equal to 31,556,952...

2 min read
Exception and Error Handling in Python
Every programmer has faced many errors. Facing bugs and dealing with them is very important to learn more and become a better programmer....

Mahmoud Abdullah
4 min read
Control Flow in Python
Python has several built-in keywords for conditional logic, loops, and other standard control flow concepts found in other programming...

Mahmoud Abdullah
3 min read
Why Sets Are A Great Data Structure?
A set is an unordered collection of unique elements. It can store heterogeneous data and it is mutable. You can think of them like...

5 min read
Python Concepts: Loops
Loop statements execute a single statement or group of statements multiple times. The statements are executed sequentially. The first...

Thiha Naung
5 min read
Data Visualization - which types of graphs should we use?
Data visualization is the practice of translating information into a visual context, such as a map or graph, to make data easier for the...

Thiha Naung
3 min read
Pandas techniques - part 4 - Tidy Data
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. ( Leo Tolstoy ) Tidy datasets are all alike but every messy...

Thiha Naung
6 min read
Pandas techniques - part 3 - Merging Data Frames
Due to the development of the relational database management system (RDMS), combining and merging data has become an essential...

Heba Elwazzan
4 min read
Formatting Strings in Python
As of Python 3.6 there are 5 ways of formatting strings and showing variables in a given string: % Strings .format() f-strings template...

Heba Elwazzan
3 min read
An Introduction to Python Sets
One of the most unique built-in methods to store collections in Python are sets. Other kinds of collections in Python include the well...

Eslam Elkot
5 min read
Control Flow Statements in Python
We discuss the most important and the most commonly used operations for making the computer do stuff. We start with something that...
Tahani Reesh
2 min read
File Handling in Python
In Python, there are several methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting files. In this post, we will learn how file...

Hamza kchok
5 min read
Python Concepts: Loops
Hello there, When I think of loops and how useful they can be, I remember Gauss's way sum the number from 1 to 100 in a simple way as...

5 min read
Python Concept for Data Science: Decision Making Statements
Introduction: In your programming journey, decision making will be with you from the beginning to the end. At every stage, you need to...
Fatma Ali
5 min read
Modules in Python
Modules Python Introduction In the world of programming, we care a lot about making code reusable. In most cases, we write code so that...
Rashidat Sikiru
2 min read
Python Inheritance
Inheritance allows us to define a class that inherits all the methods and properties from another class. Parent class is the class being...

Thiha Naung
7 min read
Pandas techniques - part 2 - groupby
After loading, merging, and preparing a data set, the next important step is to compute group statistics and pandas provides a...