Data cleaning by practice using Python
General Introduction
According to Wikipedia, Data cleaning is the process of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records from a recordset and refers to identifying incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, or irrelevant parts of the data. Then replacing, modifying, or deleting dirty or coarse data.
The implementation of this process goes through different stages that we will try to show around a practical project.
You will find the dataset on the Datacamp platform with the following name "Measles Data".
To be successful in this process one of the most important phases is to understand the data.
First of all, let's import our data to get an overview.
import pandas as pd
measles = pd.read_csv('data/measles.csv')
The dataset presents us with the following information.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 46411 entries, 0 to 46410
Data columns (total 16 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 index 46411 non-null int64
1 state 46411 non-null object
2 year 41730 non-null object
3 name 46411 non-null object
4 type 19237 non-null object
5 city 29072 non-null object
6 county 41253 non-null object
7 district 0 non-null float64
8 enroll 33567 non-null float64
9 mmr 46411 non-null float64
10 overall 46411 non-null float64
11 xrel 94 non-null object
12 xmed 12972 non-null float64
13 xper 6411 non-null float64
14 lat 44859 non-null float64
15 lng 44859 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(8), int64(1), object(7)
memory usage: 5.7+ MB
Data analysis
After this overview we can identify some major problems on our dataset which are the following:
There is missing data
index 0
state 0
year 4681
name 0
type 27174
city 17339
county 5158
district 46411
enroll 12844
mmr 0
overall 0
xrel 46317
xmed 33439
xper 40000
lat 1552
lng 1552
dtype: int64
We notice that the district column is unused.
Column Year
Year should be in the format datetime.dt.year.
We have to convert the year column into this format.
When we look at the following code.
array(['2018-19', '2017-18', nan, '2017'], dtype=object)
We notice that there is 2 year, the start year and the end year. So we should split the year column into two-column startYear and endYear.
Column state, name, city, type, and county
The previous column should be converted in a string type
let's look at the column type in detail.
array(['Public', 'Charter', 'Private', nan, 'Kindergarten', 'Nonpublic',
'BOCES'], dtype=object)
This column should be converted into category type because we have several known values that vary very little.
On the other hand for the other columns of string type, we cannot do it because we have too many distinct values.
The missing value for the type column should be replaced by Missing.
Column enroll, overall,xrel, xmed, and xper
The enroll column represents the number of people registered so the correct type for this column is an integer.
When we try to see the min value for the overall column we get.
When we try to see the min value for the mmr column we get.
When we try to see the max value for the xper column we get.
overall, mmr, xrel, xmed, and xper represent values in percentages. Therefore, they must be between 0 and 100. This implies that the missing values for these columns will have the value 0.
array([nan, True], dtype=object)
For the xrel column available value is in boolean type.
So we will delete this column because the data does not represent what it is supposed to represent.
Column lat and lng
for the following column, we will simply replace not available values with 0.
Checking duplicate values
Fortunately for us, this dataset does not present values which are duplicated.
Cleaning Data
We will clean the data by columns
dropping columns
We will drop irrelevant columns.
measles.drop('xrel', axis=1, inplace=True)
measles.drop('district', axis=1, inplace=True)
Index(['index', 'state', 'year', 'name', 'type', 'city', 'county', 'district',
'enroll', 'mmr', 'overall', 'xrel', 'xmed', 'xper', 'lat', 'lng'],
The column type
Let's handle missing value.
measles.loc[measles['type'].isna(), 'type'] = 'Missing'
array(['Public', 'Charter', 'Private', 'Missing', 'Kindergarten',
'Nonpublic', 'BOCES'], dtype=object)
Let's change the data type of the current column.
count 46411
unique 7
top Missing
freq 27174
Name: type, dtype: object
The column enroll
Let's handle missing value.
measles.loc[measles['enroll'].isna(), 'enroll'] = 0
Let's change the data type.
count 46411.000000
mean 51.571396
std 46.786130
min -1.000000
25% -1.000000
50% 83.330000
75% 95.612018
max 100.000000
Name: overall, dtype: float64
The column overall, xmed, xper, lat and lng
Let's correct the data
measles.loc[measles.overall < 0, 'overall'] = 0
measles.loc[measles.xmed < 0, 'xmed'] = 0
measles.loc[measles.xper > 100, 'xper'] = 0
measles.loc[measles.xmed.isna(), 'xmed'] = 0
measles.loc[measles.xper.isna(), 'xper'] = 0
measles.loc[, 'lat'] = 0
measles.loc[measles.lng.isna(), 'lng'] = 0
The column state, name, city, and county
Let's fix the data type.
Creation of startYear and endYear columns
Let's create new columns startYear and endYear.
measles[['startYear', 'endYear']] = measles['year'].str.split('-', expand=True)
measles.endYear = '20'+measles.endYear
Let's drop the year column.
measles.drop('year', axis=1, inplace=True)
Let's change the column's data type.
measles.startYear = pd.to_datetime(measles.startYear, format='%Y')
measles.endYear = pd.to_datetime(measles.endYear, format='%Y')
Let's try to get an overview of the result of our data cleansing.
In conclusion, we have tried to perform the data cleansing on the measles data.
In our article, we have explained some techniques in a more practical than theoretical way.
We remember that cleaning remains one of the most important steps in a data study, it should not be neglected and it should be taken seriously.
If done well, it can improve the performance of the study to follow.
This process aims to correct inconsistent data or not used for our study that could have slipped into our dataset.
"Measles Data" on the Datacamp platform
Full code on Github.
Written by Kossonou Kouamé Maïzan Alain Serge as part of Data Scientist Program.