Data manipulation with Pandas: From loading file to data visualization
Pandas is a library written for data manipulation and analysis in Python. It offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series.
We will use five techniques between a bunch of functionality that we could have. But let's try to place ourselves in the context of carrying out an exploratory study and will use five techniques most used during exploratory data analysis. To carry out learning from the beginning to the visualization without really using other dependencies.
The techniques that we will go through together are:
Loading files
Handle missing data
Manipulation of string data
Joining data
Visualization data
Before loading files, we will import the Pandas library first.
import pandas as pd
Also, we will refer to some parts of the previous post.
Loading files
The Pandas library has many functions for reading a file, according to the file type.
Usually, the function name is read_XXXX, XXXX represents the file type in lower case.
Allows file types are the following: CSV, Excel, JSON, XML, HTML, Pickle, ...
If you want to learn more about file types, you should read the documentation.
In our example, we will try to read a JSON and HTML file.
We will try to retrieve data from the current URI This URI returns JSON data.
github = pd.read_json("")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 10 entries, 0 to 9
Data columns (total 12 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 login 10 non-null object
1 id 10 non-null int64
2 node_id 10 non-null object
3 url 10 non-null object
4 repos_url 10 non-null object
5 events_url 10 non-null object
6 hooks_url 10 non-null object
7 issues_url 10 non-null object
8 members_url 10 non-null object
9 public_members_url 10 non-null object
10 avatar_url 10 non-null object
11 description 8 non-null object
dtypes: int64(1), object(11)
memory usage: 1.1+ KB
This time we will try to retrieve data from this URI On this page, we have different types of data like text and tables. Thanks to the read_html, we can directly get the list of table data.
world_population = pd.read_html('') # list of table
world_population[0] # display the first item in list
Handle missing data
for this part, we will use the following dataset datasets/the_office_series.csv from Kaggle here
We already used this dataset in the previous post, so we know the GuestStars column has nullable values.
Using the function isna of pandas library, we will try to show where there is no value for the five first records.
office_df = pd.read_csv("datasets/the_office_series.csv")
0 True
1 True
2 True
3 True
4 True
Name: GuestStars, dtype: bool
To count missing values, we can write the following code.
office_df['GuestStars'].isna().sum() # output 159
We can also fill missing values with other possible values according to the study. Has an example, we can have it.
office_df['GuestStars'].fillna('No value').head(10)
0 No value
1 No value
2 No value
3 No value
4 No value
5 Amy Adams
6 No value
7 No value
8 Nancy Carell
9 Amy Adams
Name: GuestStars, dtype: object
We will work with the GuestStars column, where the value is not empty.
available_guest = office_df.loc[:,'GuestStars'].dropna()
5 Amy Adams
8 Nancy Carell
9 Amy Adams
12 Tim Meadows
14 Ken Jeong
Name: GuestStars, dtype: object
Manipulation of string data
Using the Pandas library, we can find a pattern in a string like this.
available_guest.str.match('Amy Adams').head()
5 True
8 False
9 True
12 False
14 False
Name: GuestStars, dtype: bool
There is another function for finding patterns in a string.
We also can change the string case. Currently, we have capitalized case for the GuestStars column.
Name: GuestStars, dtype: object
To learn more about the manipulation of string using the Pandas library, You should read the documentation.
Joining data
Like in the previous post, to use the merge function. We have to have at least two data frames.
The first will get the director, who made ten episodes at least.
director_df = office_df.groupby('Director')['EpisodeTitle'].agg(['count'])
director_df = director_df[director_df['count'] > 10 ].sort_values('count', ascending=False)
The second data frame will contain the rating means for all directors.
director_mean_df = office_df.groupby('Director')['Ratings'].agg(['mean'])
new_df = pd.merge(director_df, director_mean_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)
new_df.sort_values('mean', ascending=False)
Visualization data
We will use the last data frame from the previous post, created by the following code.
In this code, we create a function rangeGetData to get the mean from the provided column. Later we get data from the selected duration using the bool mask tip. Then, we create a data frame from filtered data.
# Function creation
def rangeGetData(column, df):
return df[column].mean()
# Boolean mask trick to filter data
mean_viewers_19___27__2 = rangeGetData('Viewership', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 19) & (office_df['Duration'] < 27.2)])
mean_ratings_19___27__2 = rangeGetData('Ratings', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 19) & (office_df['Duration'] < 27.2)])
mean_viewers_27__2___35__4 = rangeGetData('Viewership', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 27.2) & (office_df['Duration'] < 35.4)])
mean_ratings_27__2___35__4 = rangeGetData('Ratings', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 27.2) & (office_df['Duration'] < 35.4)])
mean_viewers_35__4___43__6 = rangeGetData('Viewership', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 35.4) & (office_df['Duration'] < 43.6)])
mean_ratings_35__4___43__6 = rangeGetData('Ratings', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 35.4) & (office_df['Duration'] < 43.6)])
mean_viewers_43__6___51__8 = rangeGetData('Viewership', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 43.6) & (office_df['Duration'] < 51.8)])
mean_ratings_43__6___51__8 = rangeGetData('Ratings', office_df[(office_df['Duration'] >= 43.6) & (office_df['Duration'] < 51.8)])
mean_viewers_51__8 = rangeGetData('Viewership', office_df[office_df['Duration'] >= 51.8])
mean_ratings_51__8 = rangeGetData('Ratings', office_df[office_df['Duration'] >= 51.8])
# Data frame creation
duration_df = pd.DataFrame(
'viewers': [mean_viewers_19___27__2, mean_viewers_27__2___35__4, mean_viewers_35__4___43__6, mean_viewers_43__6___51__8, mean_viewers_51__8],
'ratings': [mean_ratings_19___27__2, mean_ratings_27__2___35__4, mean_ratings_35__4___43__6, mean_ratings_43__6___51__8, mean_ratings_51__8]
index = ['19 to 27.2', '27.2 to 35.4', '35.4 to 43.6', '43.6 to 51.8', '51.8 to 60']
# Show data frame
duration_df.plot.line(subplots=True, figsize=(11, 14))
duration_df.plot(kind='pie',subplots=True, figsize=(11, 14))
The Pandas library has enough functionality and allows us to do an exploratory study without worries and using external dependencies.
DataCamp's Unguided Project: "Investigating Netflix Movies and Guest Stars in The Office" here.
This article was originally written by Kossonou Kouamé Maïzan Alain Serge, as part of the Data Insight data scientist program.
The full code on Github