Functions in python

In python , functions can be considered a small factory that have a specific task that takes an input, processes it and produces an output.It is essentially like a block of statements performing a specific task.
A function in python is defined using the def keyword followed by the name of a function and one or moreoptional parameters wich represents the variable that exists only within the functionand can not called outside the function The function can have a return value which is optional
It presents the output generated by the function and is returned to the main program For calling a function, we need to inser inputs ( or arguments) in order to perform a certain task and produce an output Functions are very helpful when it comes code more organized and fashionable and it can be called repeatedly instead or rewriting the code.
A simple example of fuctions is the print() function which gives the screen printout of the input.
Function can be considered as a self-contained block of code that encapsulates a specific task or related group of tasks. In previous tutorials in this series, some of the built-in functions are provided by Python. id()
The usual syntax for defining a Python function is as follows:
def <function_name>([<parameters>]):
When the function is called, you specify a corresponding list of arguments:
>>> f(6, 'bananas', 1.74)
6 bananas cost $1.74
print("this is easy")
this is easy
Taking an example , Let us say that you want to write a code that celebrate person birthday by showing his name and his age :
def birthday(name, age) :
print ("happybirthday", name)print(name, "is",age, "years old")
print("I wish you great day!")print(birthday("sara" ,25))
The out put for this code would be :
happybirthday sara
sara is 25 years old
I wish you great day!
We can create function that creates 2 functions sin_angle and cos_angle . These functions calculate in and cosin of an angle given in degrees :
import math
def sin_angle(x):
Y=math.radians(x)return math.sin(x)
#let us take an example for x=60 :print(sin_angle(30))
def cos_angle(x):
Y=math.radians(x)return math.cos(x)
#let us take an example for x=60 :print(cos_angle(60))
The output would be :
As applications grow larger, it becomes increasingly important to modularize code by breaking it up into smaller functions of manageable size