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Pandas Techniques in Python for Data Manipulation

Writer's picture: Blessing OluwadaaraBlessing Oluwadaara


Python is the language of choice for data scientists. It provides a programming language's larger ecosystem as well as the expertise of competent scientific computation packages.

Pandas is a Python toolkit for creating simple, high-performance data structures and data analysis tools. The word 'panel data,' which refers to multidimensional data sets used in statistics and econometrics, inspired the name. Pandas was the most beneficial for data science operations among its scientific computation libraries. Wes McKinney came up with the moniker "Pandas" in 2008, which refers to both "Panel Data" and "Python Data Analysis."

This post will show you how to manipulate data in Python in different ways. I've also included some pointers that will help you work more efficiently.

Why use pandas?

  • Pandas makes it possible to evaluate large amounts of data and provide conclusions based on statistical theory.

  • Pandas can clean up and produce understandable and useful data collections.

  • In data science, relevant data is critical.


Simply execute pip install pandas inside the Python environment to install pandas.

C:\Users\Your Name>pip install pandas

If this command fails, try Anaconda, Spyder, or another Python distribution that already has Pandas installed.

Import Pandas

Once Pandas is installed, use the import keyword to include it in your applications:

import pandas

Now Pandas is imported and ready to use.

import pandas
mydataset = {  'cars': ["BMW", "Volvo", "Ford"],
              'passings': [3, 7, 2]  }
myvar = pandas.DataFrame(mydataset)


    cars  passings
0    BMW         3
1  Volvo         7
2   Ford         2

Pandas is typically imported using the pd alias.

import pandas as pd

Instead of pandas, the Pandas package is now known as pd.

import pandas as pd
mydataset = {'cars': ["BMW", "Volvo", "Ford"],   'passings':                 [3, 7, 2]}
myvar = pd.DataFrame(mydataset)


    cars  passings
0    BMW         3
1  Volvo         7
2   Ford         2

Pandas Series

What is a Series?

A Pandas Series is like a column in a table.

It is a one-dimensional array holding data of any type.

import pandas as pd
a = [1, 7, 2]
myvar = pd.Series(a)


0    1
1    7
2    2
dtype: int64

Create Labels

With the index argument, you can name your own labels.

import pandas as pd
a = [1, 7, 2]
myvar = pd.Series(a, index = ["x", "y", "z"])


x    1
y    7
z    2
dtype: int64

Series of Key/Value Objects

When creating a Series, you can also use a key/value object like a dictionary.

import pandas as pd
calories = {"day1": 420, "day2": 380, "day3": 390}
myvar = pd.Series(calories)


day1    420
day2    380
day3    390
dtype: int64

Note that the dictionary's keys serve as labels.


DataFrames are multi-dimensional tables that Pandas uses to store data.

A DataFrame is the entire table, whereas a Series is a column.

Make a DataFrame by combining two Series.

import pandas as pd
data = {
  "calories": [420, 380, 390],
  "duration": [50, 40, 45]
myvar = pd.DataFrame(data)


 calories  duration
0       420        50
1       380        40
2       390        45

How row is located.

The DataFrame looks like a table with rows and columns, as you can see from the example above.

The loc property is used by Pandas to retrieve one or more specified rows(s)



calories    420
duration     50
Name: 0, dtype: int64

It's worth noting that this example yields a Pandas Series.

#use a list of indexes:
print(myvar.loc[[0, 1]])

Rows 0 and 1 must be returned:


   calories  duration
0       420        50
1       380        40

When you use [], you'll get a Pandas DataFrame as the output.

Indexes with names

You can name your own indexes with the index parameter.

import pandas as pd

data = {"calories": [420, 380, 390], "duration": [50, 40,                 45]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index = ["day1", "day2", "day3"])


        calories  duration
day1       420        50
day2       380        40
day3       390        45

Identify Named Indexes

To return the given row, use the named index in the loc property(s).

#refer to the named index:


calories    380
duration     40
Name: day2, dtype: int64

Files can loaded into a DataFrame.

Pandas can load your data sets into a DataFrame if they're saved in a file.

CSV Files Can Be Read

CSV files are a straightforward way to store large data collections (comma separated files).

CSV files include plain text and are a well-known format that everyone, even Pandas, can read.

We'll be utilizing a CSV file called 'data.csv' in our examples.

Into a DataFrame, load a comma separated file (CSV file):

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')


     Duration  Pulse  Maxpulse  Calories
0          60    110       130     409.1
1          60    117       145     479.0
2          60    103       135     340.0
3          45    109       175     282.4
4          45    117       148     406.0
..        ...    ...       ...       ...
164        60    105       140     290.8
165        60    110       145     300.0
166        60    115       145     310.2
167        75    120       150     320.4
168        75    125       150     330.4

[169 rows x 4 columns]

Getting information about the data

Information about the data can be extracted using the descride and info function as shown below


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 169 entries, 0 to 168
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   Duration  169 non-null    int64  
 1   Pulse     169 non-null    int64  
 2   Maxpulse  169 non-null    int64  
 3   Calories  164 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3)
memory usage: 5.4 KB


        Duration    Pulse    Maxpulse    Calories
count   169.000000 169.000000 169.000000 164.000000
mean    63.846154  107.461538 134.047337 375.790244
std     42.299949  14.510259  16.4504342 66.379919
min     15.000000  80.000000  100.000000 50.300000
25%     45.000000  100.000000 124.000000 250.925000
50%     60.000000  105.000000 131.000000 318.600000
75%     60.000000  111.000000 141.000000 387.600000
max     300.000000 159.000000 184.000000 1860.400000

JSON could be read into dataframe.

JSON is frequently used to store or extract large data collections.

JSON is plain text with an object format that is well-known in the programming community, including Pandas.

We'll use a JSON file called 'data.js' in our examples.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_json('data.js')


     Duration  Pulse  Maxpulse  Calories
0          60    110       130     409.1
1          60    117       145     479.0
2          60    103       135     340.0
3          45    109       175     282.4
4          45    117       148     406.0
..        ...    ...       ...       ...
164        60    105       140     290.8
165        60    110       145     300.4
166        60    115       145     310.2
167        75    120       150     320.4
168        75    125       150     330.4

[169 rows x 4 columns]

Viewing the Information

The head() function is one of the most commonly used methods for gaining a fast overview of the DataFrame.

Starting at the top, the head() function returns the headers and a given number of rows.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')


   Duration  Pulse  Maxpulse  Calories
0        60    110       130     409.1
1        60    117       145     479.0
2        60    103       135     340.0
3        45    109       175     282.4
4        45    117       148     406.0
5        60    102       127     300.0
6        60    110       136     374.0
7        45    104       134     253.3
8        30    109       133     195.1
9        60     98       124     269.0

The head() function will return the top 5 rows if the number of rows is not given.

There is also a tail() method for viewing the last rows of the DataFrame.

The tail() method returns the headers and a specified number of rows, starting from the bottom.



     Duration  Pulse  Maxpulse  Calories
164        60    105       140     290.8
165        60    110       145     300.0
166        60    115       145     310.2
167        75    120       150     320.4
168        75    125       150     330.4

Information on the Data

The DataFrames object contains a method named info() that provides additional data set information.



<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 169 entries, 0 to 168
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   Duration  169 non-null    int64  
 1   Pulse     169 non-null    int64  
 2   Maxpulse  169 non-null    int64  
 3   Calories  164 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3)
memory usage: 5.4 KB

Manipulating Data

Adding new column to existing DataFrame in Pandas

# Import pandas package 
import pandas as pd
# Define a dictionary containing Students data
data = {'Name': ['Jai', 'Princi', 'Gaurav', 'Anuj'],
        'Height': [5.1, 6.2, 5.1, 5.2],
        'Qualification': ['Msc', 'MA', 'Msc', 'Msc']}
# Convert the dictionary into DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


	Name	Height	Qualification
0	Jai	5.1		Msc
1	Princi	6.2		MA
2	Gaurav	5.1		Msc
3	Anuj	5.2		Msc

Method #1: By declaring a new list as a column.

# Declare a list that is to be converted into a column
location = ['Delhi', 'Bangalore', 'Chennai', 'Patna']
# Using 'Address' as the column name
# and equating it to the list
df['Location '] = location
# Observe the result


	Name	Height	Qualification	Location
0	Jai	5.1	Msc		Delhi
1	Princi	6.2	MA		Bangalore
2	Gaurav	5.1	Msc		Chennai
3	Anuj	5.2	Msc		Patna

Method #2: By using DataFrame.insert()

# Using DataFrame.insert() to add a column
df.insert(2, "Age", [21, 23, 24, 21], True)
# Observe the result


    Name    Height    Age    Qualification    Location
0    Jai      5.1     21        Msc            Delhi
1    Princi   6.2     23        MA            Bangalore
2    Gaurav   5.1     24        Msc            Chennai
3    Anuj     5.2     21        Msc            Patna

Using Pandas to Work with Missing Data

When no information is supplied for one or more components, or for a whole unit, it is known as missing data. In real-life circumstances, missing data is a major issue. In pandas, missing data is sometimes referred to as NA (Not Available) values. Many datasets come in DataFrame with missing data, either because it exists but was not gathered or because it never existed. Assume that different people being questioned opt not to reveal their income, and that other users choose not to give their address, and that as a result, several datasets are missing.

None is a Python singleton object that is frequently used in Python programs to represent absent data.

NaN: A special floating-point value accepted by all systems that employ the standard IEEE floating-point encoding is NaN (an abbreviation for Not a Number).

None and NaN are used interchangeably in Pandas to indicate missing or null data. In Pandas DataFrame, there are numerous handy methods for detecting, deleting, and replacing null values to help with this convention:







We'll be utilizing a CSV file in this tutorial.

Searching for missing data, isnull() and notnull() are two functions that may be used to check if something is null ()

We utilize the functions isnull() and notnull() in Pandas DataFrame to check for missing data (). Both functions assist in determining whether or not a value is NaN. These functions may also be used to find null values in a series in Pandas Series.

isnull is used to check for missing values ()

We use the isnull() method to check for null values in a Pandas DataFrame. This function returns a dataframe of Boolean values that are True for NaN values.

# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# importing numpy as np
import numpy as np
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'First Score':[100, 90, np.nan, 95],
        'Second Score': [30, 45, 56, np.nan],
        'Third Score':[np.nan, 40, 80, 98]}
# creating a dataframe from list
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# using isnull() function  


	First Score	Second Score	ThirdScore
0	False		False		True
1	False		False		False
2	True		False		False
3	False           True            False
# importing pandas package 
import pandas as pd 
# making data frame from csv file 
data = pd.read_csv("employees.csv") 
# creating bool series True for NaN values 
bool_series = pd.isnull(data["Gender"]) 
# filtering data 
# displaying data only with Gender = NaN 

notnull() is used to check for missing values

We utilize the notnull() method to check for null values in a Pandas Dataframe. This function returns a dataframe of Boolean values that are False for NaN values.

# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# importing numpy as np
import numpy as np
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'First Score':[100, 90, np.nan, 95],
        'Second Score': [30, 45, 56, np.nan],
        'Third Score':[np.nan, 40, 80, 98]}
# creating a dataframe using dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# using notnull() function 


    FirstScore    SecondScore    ThirdScore
0    True            True            False
1    True            True            True
2    False            True            True
3    True            False            True
# importing pandas package 
import pandas as pd 
# making data frame from csv file 
data = pd.read_csv("employees.csv") 
# creating bool series True for NaN values 
bool_series = pd.notnull(data["Gender"]) 
# filtering data 
# displayind data only with Gender = Not NaN 


    FirstName  Gender    StartDate    LastLoginTime  Salary  Bonus %  \
0      Douglas    Male   8/6/1993        12:42 PM   97308    6.945   
1       Thomas    Male  3/31/1996         6:53 AM   61933    4.170   
2        Maria  Female  4/23/1993        11:17 AM  130590   11.858   
3        Jerry    Male   3/4/2005         1:00 PM  138705    9.340   
4        Larry    Male  1/24/1998         4:47 PM  101004    1.389   
..         ...     ...        ...             ...     ...      ...   
994     George    Male  6/21/2013         5:47 PM   98874    4.479   
996    Phillip    Male  1/31/1984         6:30 AM   42392   19.675   
997    Russell    Male  5/20/2013        12:39 PM   96914    1.421   
998      Larry    Male  4/20/2013         4:45 PM   60500   11.985   
999     Albert    Male  5/15/2012         6:24 PM  129949   10.169   

    Senior Management                  Team  
0                True             Marketing  
1                True                   NaN  
2               False               Finance  
3                True               Finance  
4                True       Client Services  
..                ...                   ...  
994              True             Marketing  
996             False               Finance  
997             False               Product  
998             False  Business Development  
999              True                 Sales  

[855 rows x 8 columns]

Using fillna(), replace(), and interpolate() to fill in missing values

We employ the fillna(), replace(), and interpolate() functions to fill null values in datasets. These functions substitute NaN values with their own values. All of these functions aid in the filling of null values in DataFrame datasets. The Interpolate() method is used to fill NA values in a dataframe, but instead of hard-coding the value, it employs various interpolation techniques to do it.

# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# importing numpy as np
import numpy as np
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'First Score':[100, 90, np.nan, 95],
        'Second Score': [30, 45, 56, np.nan],
        'Third Score':[np.nan, 40, 80, 98]}
# creating a dataframe from dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# filling a missing value with
# previous ones  
df.fillna(method ='pad')


    First Score	    Second Score    Third Score
0	100.0	        30.0	        NaN
1	90.0	        45.0	        40.0
2	90.0	        56.0	        80.0
3	95.0	        56.0	        98.0
# importing pandas package 
import pandas as pd 
# making data frame from csv file 
data = pd.read_csv("employees.csv") 
# will replace  Nan value in dataframe with value -99  
data.replace(to_replace = np.nan, value = -99)


First Name	Gender	Start Date	Last Login Time	Salary	Bonus %	Senior Management	Team
0	Douglas	Male	8/6/1993	12:42 PM	97308	6.945	True	Marketing
1	Thomas	Male	3/31/1996	6:53 AM	61933	4.170	True	-99
2	Maria	Female	4/23/1993	11:17 AM	130590	11.858	False	Finance
3	Jerry	Male	3/4/2005	1:00 PM	138705	9.340	True	Finance
4	Larry	Male	1/24/1998	4:47 PM	101004	1.389	True	Client Services
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
995	Henry	-99	11/23/2014	6:09 AM	132483	16.655	False	Distribution
996	Phillip	Male	1/31/1984	6:30 AM	42392	19.675	False	Finance
997	Russell	Male	5/20/2013	12:39 PM	96914	1.421	False	Product
998	Larry	Male	4/20/2013	4:45 PM	60500	11.985	False	Business Development
999	Albert	Male	5/15/2012	6:24 PM	129949	10.169	True	Sales

Using dropna() to remove missing values

We utilized the dropna() method to remove null values from a dataframe. This function removes rows/columns of datasets containing null values in a variety of ways.

# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# importing numpy as np
import numpy as np
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'First Score':[100, 90, np.nan, 95],
        'Second Score': [30, np.nan, 45, 56],
        'Third Score':[52, 40, 80, 98],
        'Fourth Score':[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 65]}
# creating a dataframe from dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)


    First Score	Second Score	Third Score	Fourth Score
0	100.0	30.0	            52	            NaN
1	90.0	NaN	             40	            NaN
2	NaN	45.0	             80	            NaN
3	95.0	56.0	            98	            65.0
#Dropping rows with at least 1 null value
# using dropna() function 


    First Score	Second Score	Third Score	Fourth Score
3	95.0	    56.0	     98	             65.0
#Dropping columns with at least 1 null value.
# using dropna() function
df.dropna(axis = 1)


	Third Score
0	52
1	40
2	80
3	98
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'First Score':[100, np.nan, np.nan, 95],
        'Second Score': [30, np.nan, 45, 56],
        'Third Score':[52, np.nan, 80, 98],
        'Fourth Score':[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 65]}
# creating a dataframe from dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)


    FirstScore    SecondScore	ThirdScore    FourthScore
0	100.0	    30.0	    52.0	NaN
1	NaN	    NaN	            NaN	        NaN
2	NaN	    45.0	    80.0	NaN
3	95.0	    56.0	    98.0	65.0
#Dropping rows if all values in that row are missing
# using dropna() function    
df.dropna(how = 'all')

    First Score	Second Score	Third Score	Fourth Score
0	100.0	    30.0	    52.0	NaN
2	NaN	    45.0	    80.0	NaN
3	95.0	    56.0	    98.0	65.0

Dropping Rows with at least 1 null value in CSV file
# making data frame from csv file 
data = pd.read_csv("employees.csv") 
# making new data frame with dropped NA values 
new_data = data.dropna(axis = 0, how ='any') 


    First Name	Gender	Start Date    Last Login Time        Salary	Bonus %	Senior Management	Team
0	Douglas	Male	8/6/1993	12:42 PM	97308	6.945	True	Marketing
2	Maria	Female	4/23/1993	11:17 AM	130590	11.858	False	Finance
3	Jerry	Male	3/4/2005	1:00 PM	138705	9.340	True	Finance
4	Larry	Male	1/24/1998	4:47 PM	101004	1.389	True	Client Services
5	Dennis	Male	4/18/1987	1:35 AM	115163	10.125	False	Legal
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
994	George	Male	6/21/2013	5:47 PM	98874	4.479	True	Marketing
996	Phillip	Male	1/31/1984	6:30 AM	42392	19.675	False	Finance
997	Russell	Male	5/20/2013	12:39 PM	96914	1.421	False	Product
998	Larry	Male	4/20/2013	4:45 PM	60500	11.985	False	Business Development
999	Albert	Male	5/15/2012	6:24 PM	129949	10.169	True	Sales
764 rows × 8 columns

you can also count the unique value in a particular column



Business Development    88
Client Services         85
Product                 83
Finance                 80
Engineering             79
Human Resources         76
Marketing               74
Sales                   72
Legal                   67
Distribution            60
Name: Team, dtype: int64

you can also change column name as shown below:

new_data = data.rename(columns = {'Team':'Department'})


   FirstName  Gender  StartDate  LastLoginTime  Salary Bonus%    SeniorManagement    Department
0    Douglas    Male    8/6/1993    12:42PM    97308    6.945    True    Marketing
1    Thomas    Male    3/31/1996    6:53AM    61933    4.170    True    NaN
2    Maria    Female    4/23/1993    11:17AM    130590 11.858    False    Finance
3    Jerry    Male    3/4/2005    1:00PM    138705    9.340    True    Finance
4    Larry    Male    1/24/1998    4:47PM    101004    1.389    True    Client Services

I’ll be using a company data provided by an Intrinio developer sandbox.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import urllib.request
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as f:
companies = pd.read_csv(f, index_col='id')


    name    cik	sector    industry_category    industry_group	        employees
1    Apple Inc	320193	Consumer Goods	Consumer Durables	Electronic Equipment	132000
2	American Express Co	4962	Financial	Financial Services	Credit Services	59000
3	Boeing Co	12927	Industrial Goods	Aerospace/Defense	Aerospace/Defense Products & Services	153027
4	Caterpillar Inc	18230	Industrial Goods	Manufacturing	Farm & Construction Machinery	104000
5	Cisco Systems Inc	858877	Technology	Computer Hardware	Networking & Communication Devices	74200


In data analysis, the "groupby()" function is highly important since it helps us to see the underlying correlations between distinct variables. Then, using the "agg()" method, we can apply Aggregations to the groups and feed it different aggregation operations such as mean, size, sum, std, and so on.


Aggregation takes the values and transforms them into a value of a smaller dimension. A function that accepts a series and returns a single scalar value is an example. A grouping column, an aggregate column, and a function column are all present in every GroupBy aggregation, either implicitly or explicitly. The following are some common aggregating functions:




Compute mean of groups


Compute sum of group values


Compute group sizes


Compute count of group


Standard deviation of groups


Compute variance of groups


Standard error of the mean of groups


Generates descriptive statistics


Compute first of group values


Compute last of group values


Take nth value, or a subset if n is a list


Compute min of group values


Compute max of group values

Lets consider an example of calculating the total number of enterprises in each industry.

sector_group = companies.groupby(by='sector')


Basic Materials     2
Consumer Goods      4
Financial           5
Healthcare          4
Industrial Goods    5
Services            3
Technology          5
dtype: int64 

We may also divide the data into groups based on numerous columns. The aggregate function was automatically called on the workers column because it is the sole number-type column.

companies.groupby(['sector', 'industry_group'])['employees'].sum()


sector            industry_group                          
Basic Materials   Major Integrated Oil & Gas                   119600
Consumer Goods    Beverages - Soft Drinks                       62600
                  Electronic Equipment                         132000
                  Personal Products                             92000
                  Textile - Apparel Footwear & Accessories      73100
Financial         Credit Services                               76000
                  Investment Brokerage - National               36600
                  Money Center Banks                           256105
                  Property & Casualty Insurance                 30400
Healthcare        Drug Manufacturers - Major                   296500
                  Health Care Plans                            300000
Industrial Goods  Aerospace/Defense Products & Services        393027
                  Diversified Machinery                        376516
                  Farm & Construction Machinery                104000
Services          Discount, Variety Stores                    2200000
                  Home Improvement Stores                      413000
                  Restaurants                                  210000
Technology        Business Software & Services                 131000
                  Information Technology Services              350600
                  Networking & Communication Devices            74200
                  Semiconductor - Broad Line                   107400
                  Telecom Services - Domestic                  144500
Name: employees, dtype: int64


The altered data is returned in the same size as the provided data. To alter data, you may use a variety of methods and functions, as demonstrated below.



Substitute each value for another


Invoke a function elementwise on a series


Apply a function elementwise to a dataframe


Invoke a function on each column or row


Invoke a function returning series of transformed values


Invoke a function returning dataframe of transformed values


Reshape a dataframe. Useful for graphing, vectorized operations, and tidying data.


Reshape a dataframe. Essentially an unmelt operation

We supply a specified function find percent and return the converted series in the example below.

def find_percent(column):
  return column / float(column.sum())
companies.groupby('sector').agg({'employees': 'sum'}).transform(find_percent)


Basic Materials	0.020003
Consumer Goods	0.060159
Financial	0.066749
Healthcare	0.099763
Industrial Goods	0.146098
Services	0.472141
Technology	0.135086

We can pass numerous functions, including lambda functions, just like we can with agg.

companies.groupby('sector').agg({'employees':'sum'}).transform([lambda x: x / x.sum()])


Basic Materials	0.020003
Consumer Goods	0.060159
Financial	0.066749
Healthcare	0.099763
Industrial Goods	0.146098
Services	0.472141
Technology	0.135086

While we can't send multiple functions to apply as we can with transform, we can use apply to access other columns that transform can't. Again, it's essential to be aware of what's available and to choose the greatest tool for the work at hand.

companies.groupby('sector').apply(lambda x: x['employees'] * 2)


sector            id
Basic Materials   6       97200
                  28     142000
Consumer Goods    1      264000
                  14     125200
                  19     146200
                  21     184000
Financial         2      118000
                  25      34000
                  8       73200
                  13     512210
                  22      60800
Healthcare        12     270200
                  17     138000
                  20     184800
                  23     600000
Industrial Goods  3      306054
                  4      208000
                  7      566000
                  24     480000
                  16     187032
Services          9      826000
                  15     420000
                  27    4400000
Technology        5      148400
                  10     701200
                  11     214800
                  18     262000
                  26     289000
Name: employees, dtype: int64


The data returned by the filter is a subset of the original data. It operates in a similar way as boolean indexing, only it works on individual groups rather than individual rows. For the whole group, Filter must return a True or False response. The services industry is the only one with more than one million workers.

    lambda x: x['employees'].sum() > 1000000
    )[['name', 'employees']]


         name	      employees
9	Home Depot Inc	413000
15	McDonald's Corp	210000
27	Walmart Inc	2200000

Pivot Tables

Using pandas.pivot table, we may generate the same data in a different format.

companies.pivot_table(columns='sector', values='employees', aggfunc='sum')


sector	Basic Materials	Consumer Goods	Financial	Healthcare	Industrial Goods	Services	Technology
employees	119600	359700	399105	596500	873543	2823000	807700

Joining Data

By using join, merge, and concat, we may swiftly join two dataframes. All join/merge behavior is based on the merging function. The settings for Join are slightly different, and it is given as a convenience technique.




Join dataframe on on index, or key column


Merge dataframe using database-style joins


Concatenate dataframes along a particular axis

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import urllib.request
url= ''
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as f:
  securities = pd.read_csv(f, index_col='id')


	ticker	currency	figi
securities_companies = companies.join(securities)


name	cik	sector	industry_category	industry_group	employees	ticker	currency	figi
1	Apple Inc	320193	Consumer Goods	Consumer Durables	Electronic Equipment	132000	AAPL	USD	BBG000B9Y5X2
2	American Express Co	4962	Financial	Financial Services	Credit Services	59000	AXP	USD	BBG000BCR153
3	Boeing Co	12927	Industrial Goods	Aerospace/Defense	Aerospace/Defense Products & Services	153027	BA	USD	BBG000BCSV38
4	Caterpillar Inc	18230	Industrial Goods	Manufacturing	Farm & Construction Machinery	104000	CAT	USD	BBG000BF0LJ6
5	Cisco Systems Inc	858877	Technology	Computer Hardware	Networking & Communication Devices	74200	CSCO	USD	BBG000C3JBN9


Pandas is an open source library for analyzing data in Python. It reads data from a CSV or SQL database and generates a data frame, which is an object containing rows and columns. In this post, we discussed different Pandas functions that might make our lives easier while undertaking data exploration and feature engineering. In addition, we built several generic methods that may be utilized to achieve similar goals on various datasets.

1 komentaras

Data Insight
Data Insight

Very nice article! A concluding paragraph will greatly help to summarize your article to potential readers.




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