Password generator from first names
Since the creation of the Internet, people have accessed sites, created accounts requiring passwords. some people have difficulty creating strong passwords. A need for security is therefore felt. For this we have set up a program capable of generating a password from an individual's first name.
import string
import random
def pass_gen(firstname):
""" Generate random password from a first name
firstname (str) : The first name to generate password
str: generated password
symbols = list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits+"<!?/$*%-(_)#@&+=")
l = len(firstname) # length of the first name
# if the length is smaller than 8 we round it to 8 caracters
diff = 8-l
symbol_complete =""
for i in range(diff):
symbol_complete = symbol_complete + random.choice(symbols)
a = lambda x : x+symbol_complete if(l<8) else x
firstname = a(firstname)
#let mix up the caracters of first name
firstname = list(firstname) # convert the firstname in to list to shuffle it
final_len = len(firstname)
firstname_mix = random.sample(firstname, len(firstname))
firstname_generate = ""
for i in range(final_len):
m = (i+1)%8
firstname_generate = firstname_generate + symbols[m] + firstname_mix[i] + random.choice(symbols)
firstname_generate = ''.join(random.sample(firstname_generate, len(firstname_generate)))
return firstname_generate
Example of use
in: pass_gen("DataInsight")
out fDcgTvhvw/ted<hdngaiscaaIqibba!tX
Another example:
in: pass_gen("Adama")
out: Ba4c<ftYaAgte/hc-6addmbc
This fonction can generate a strong password from firsts Names
Important python concept
Lambda function: a lambda function is an anonymous function that can be helpful to perform a small task in only one line of code
example of use in our password generator program
a = lambda x : x+ symbol_complete if(l<8) else x
Here lambda function help to complet the lenght of a first name to 8 characters for those whose the lenght is smaller than 8.