Password Generator from Username using Python
In this post, you will learn how to create a random string passwords in Python. Using a random and string module, we can write our own password generator.
Steps to Create a Random String
1- Import String and Random modules
2- Use the string constant digits and symbols and the function upper() and lower()
3- Use a for loop and random.choice() function to choose characters from a source
4- Generate a password generator
Let's code a function that generates a password from the username.
1- Import modules
2- Input the username to generate the password
3- Define our function generate_password
3-1 Convert the username to uppercase and lowercase letters.
store numbers and symbols
"digits contain '0123456789'
punctuation contain all special symbols '!”#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=> @[\]^_`{|}~.' "
3-2 Generate random characters from lowercase, uppercase username and all (numbers and symbols)
3-3 Concatenate and return password from username, numbers and symbols
There is our function below
Let's test our funtion
You can find the whole project on my Github