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Rolling a Dice Randomly

Writer's picture: Sana OmarSana Omar

Hello everyone, today we are gonna roll a dice randomly in several ways.

First of all, we need to import randint from random package to generate random integer numbers of the Dice faces.

from random import randint

As we know, Dice has only 6 faces, 6 possibilities starting from 1 to 6.

Thus, whenever we need to generate random rolls, we call randint(START_VALUE, END_VALUE) to make the starting value 1, and the ending value 6.

Dice faces do not change, so the range is always from 1 to 6.

Another important concept is the NUMBER of rolls or throws. This is not randomized by the program, instead we will explore three ways or cases in solving it.


First way:

Intuitively, we will first think of looping through a for in range function for 6 times, a throw for each face.

#using loops rolling 6 times randomly
for j in range(6):
  roll = randint(1,6)
  print("You threw: " + str(roll))

Here, inside the loop, a roll variable holds the result of the throw from randint(1,6). Then by printing results the following will appear:

You threw: 5
You threw: 1
You threw: 6
You threw: 5
You threw: 4
You threw: 6

Second way:

We define a function for randomizing the throws that return the face number.

#using functions to rolling 6 times randomly
def roll_dice():
   roll = randint(1,6)
   return roll

Then we call it inside a loop of 6 rolls or throws:

for j in range(6):
    print("You threw: " + str(roll_dice()))

Third way:

Until now, all of our throws are 6, the same number as the faces of the dice.

What if we want to roll it for more or less than that?

In this case, the program will ask the user to enter the number of the rolls using input function, and storing it in the no_rolls variable to use it in the loop function.

no_rolls = input("Enter the number of rolls: " )
for j in range(int(no_rolls)):
    print("You threw: " + str(roll_dice()))

the output could be:

Enter the number of rolls: 20
You threw: 5
You threw: 2
You threw: 2
You threw: 4
You threw: 2
You threw: 3
You threw: 2
You threw: 4
You threw: 1
You threw: 4
You threw: 3
You threw: 4
You threw: 5
You threw: 4
You threw: 1
You threw: 5
You threw: 2
You threw: 5
You threw: 1
You threw: 5

Forth way: Until now, we thought of entering a number of rolls, we could instead prompt the user to answer a question if he wants to throw another more time or not. We assume he is going to throw unless the entered value is 'n' or 'N', in which the loop will be stopped using break.

while True:
  print("You threw: " + str(roll_dice()))
  roll_again = input("Do you want to rall again?, Enter Y for Yes, N for no")
  if roll_again == ('n' or 'N'):

The output could be:

You threw: 1
Do you want to rall again?, Enter Y for Yes, N for noy
You threw: 3
Do you want to rall again?, Enter Y for Yes, N for noy
You threw: 6
Do you want to rall again?, Enter Y for Yes, N for nou
You threw: 2
Do you want to rall again?, Enter Y for Yes, N for non


Hope this is helpful, thank you for reading so far.


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